Monday, December 7, 2009

sooo It's been awhile....

OK sO I am a SLACKER with this site! I don't know how to update things and get my family and friends to follow us =( Sad! So if you know any pointers on how to do all that please help me! lol...

ANYWHO... SO a lot has happened since my last post. We moved to West Jordan, I lost my job =( got a new job =) and Thanksgiving passed! Yay for family and friends and for the time to give thanks. . But now on to Christmas!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY of the YEAR! yayyyy
I am so excited to spoil my hubby with presents and just enjoying the snow and hot cocoa :) yum!

Lance and I have been doing so good :) Been through a few bumps lately with LIFE, but isn't that the beauty of it? I just got a new job at Xcel Fitness as a PAT team member, I help schedule and setup people's Body Buggs! Such a neat little device that I need to get ASAP.. Lance has been deciding what to do with school and still job searching so we are crossin the fingers! I currently am in my 5 term of Medical Assisting school and am closing in on my internship next term! yay finally :) Here are some pic's of just random stuff of US :)

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